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Guru Really Necessary For Spiritual Advancement

फोल लओ इतिहास पुराने हो गये वलियां पीरां दी,
रुख बदले ने सत्गुर ने ही ओहनां दी तकदीरां दे ,
जिन्ने वी हो गुज़रे अज तक अपणे आप न पा  सक्के,
राम करिशन तक नानक तक वी खुद नहीं परदा लाह सक्के,
दुनिया नूं राह दसण दे लई सभ नूं रीत निभाणी पई,
वलियां नूं वी जा गुरु दर ते अपणी धौंण झुकाणी पई,
ग्यान दी गुड्डी दी अज तीकण सत्गुर दे हत्थ डोर रही,
अवतार कहे पार अन्ही दुनियां ऐवें पांदी शोर रही ।
                                                   Avtar Bani- Verse 89

If we look at the history of the past prophets and sages;
We find that their destinies were changed only by their Divine Masters.
All who appeared in the past till today, could not realize God on their own;
Even Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and Guru Nanak could not remove the veil of
ignorance themselves.
Just to show the way to the world, they had to follow the tradition;
Even the prophets had to bow their heads at the door step of their True Masters.
The chord of the kite of divine knowledge has always remained in the hands of the
True Master;
Avtar says, the blind (ignorant) world, however, continued to make all kinds of noise
in vain.

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